Cedar timidly forced a smirk, before snatching another of the green fruits from the fence and snacking on it. "[color=7bcdc8]These'l do nicely![/color]' He quipped between crunches. Continuing his snacking on the produce, he examined the leather harness and the barrel more closely. The barrel had been modified to have fasteners attached to it, and had a pour spout put on. '[color=7bcdc8]dis aint no ord'nry barrel.. who dun gone an' work'd it up like 'at?'[/color] Regardless of who, or how, the barrel looked fit for use, and the leather harness as well.... Without speaking further, he snatched another bit of produce from the fence, shoved it in his face, then began running straps through eyelets on the barrel, before adjusting it for his girth. It would make a fine backpackable water source this way. Speaking of... this was a stable, there would HAVE to be a well to keep the horses watered. Shouldering the empty barrel, he stood upright, leaned on his staff, then looked this way and that, sniffing at the air, trying to locate the necessary water source.