It looked like Quinn approved of the sweets about as much as Besca did her first time. She let the girl chomp through the rest of them—probably for the best she didn’t get too used to them again herself anyway, considering she’d be back on the Aerie tomorrow. “[color=FFE63D]Is there something wrong with this water? It’s so clear.[/color]” “[color=gray]Uhm.[/color]” Besca looked down at her own cup. Yep, clear. Like water. Probably bottled like every food cart supply here. She cocked a brow down at Quinn. “[color=Gray]No it’s fine that’s…uh…that’s how it’s supposed to look. They’ll have other stuff at the boat though if you’d rather that. Soda, fizz—Saff likes juice so there’s probably juice, too.[/color]” A weird thing to ask, but, Quinn was certainly a weird girl. Chances are with an eyepatch at sixteen, she had to be. Besca had wanted to ask her about it, but if their brief conversation at the Community Center was anything to go by, it was probably best if she was conservative with her questions. Quinn didn’t need to be interrogated, she needed some air. And evidently some clean water. Eventually they came to the marina. Most of the people here were locals, scattered about the docks on folding chairs, or in their own boats, keeping a vigilant watch out in case any tourists decided to come by. Eyes narrowed at the pair as they passed, which was fair for Besca, but she wondered why they gave Quinn the same hesitation. [i]“Couple’a pirates,”[/i] someone muttered on the way. Besca made a hook with her finger and “Arr”’d at him. Chuckles were exchanged, a modicum of goodwill afforded. At a sailboat on the far end, a trio waited. Two were young women, one not much older looking than Quinn herself. With them was a rather large man, tall and broad in the shoulders. Most of the hair on his head had migrated to his eyebrows, or his salted beard, and left his scalp with a thin layer of fuzz. The girls brightened when they saw Besca. The older gentleman set about untying the mooring lines. “[color=skyblue]Besca![/color]” shouted the younger girl, as both ran over. She threw her arms around Besca, who squeezed an arm around her in turn. The other girl gave a quick hug as well, but her eyes went curiously to Quinn. “[color=gray]’Lo girls,[/color] Besca said, then gave a wave over at the man, who waved back. “[color=gray]’Lo Daz. You all have a good time so far?[/color] “[color=skyblue]Mhm! It’s been a blast. Dad took me to see everyone from the old neighborhood. They made barbeque, like, the [i]good[/i] kind.[/color]” “[color=gray]Missed the cookout? Ah, damn. Well, here for the good part at least. Oh, girls, met my long-lost smaller self back in town. Her name’s Quinn—if you have trouble telling us apart, she’s the one with the cooler eyepatch. Quinn, this is Dahlia, and that’s Safie. The fella over there who looks like someone’s ancestor is Mendas, Dahlia’s dad.[/color]” Dahlia gave a sincere, if somewhat shy smile and a bow of the head. “[color=skyblue]S’nice to meet you![/color]” The other girl, Safie, hunched down to Quinn’s level and let out a low [i]oooooh[/i], before a much less reserved smile broke out across her face. “[color=green]Oh my [i]gosh[/i] I love your hair![/color]” she squeaked. “[color=green]Your braid is [i]so[/i] beautiful, did you do that yourself?[/color] “[color=gray]Easy now, lil’ space, lil’ space,[/color] Besca said. “[color=gray]Quinn’s a bit over all the hubbub back in town, looking for something a little more mellow. Thought she might join us on the lake, if you all don’t mind.[/color]” Dahlia and Safie shared a brief look, shaking their heads. “[color=skyblue]Sure![/color]” “[color=green][i]Absolutely[/i] sure![/color]” Safie beamed. “[color=green]There’s supposed to be fireworks later, and they’re gonna be [i]ohmygosh[/i] pretty out on the water![/color]” Besca shrugged. “[color=gray]Great, when I don’t catch anything I can just say the fireworks scared the fish off. Still want to come, Quinn?[/color]”