[@ShadowKnight] [@Dark Light] [color=lightblue]”Mm, no thanks.”[/color] Lavender turned her head to make it look like she were staring at the man who had just approached her. [color=lightblue]”I think I’d rather heal my own wounds on my own, no?”[/color] She allowed herself a cold smile though she knew he couldn’t see her expression, and promptly left her seat. Lavender made a bit of a beeline for Clay, looking over at the case and trying to see whether or not there was what she needed for her injuries. She made a face at his stomach injury but didn’t do much as he was already treating it himself. [color=lightblue]”Do you have burn cream in there? Burnt my hands.”[/color] The fox faced woman asked as she continued searching the case with her eyes. She wondered where the space spirit went, and paused trying to see if there was burn cream or not to take a glance around the tavern. Griffin guy, fae child, and the literal god playing some advanced form of chess were some of the people who stuck out to her.