Rala didn't like the idea of leaving flicker behind, but she trusted Jormund to protect him. Better yet, she glanced over and could vaguely see that Flicker was already getting up, and the eruption of fire told her he was either alright, or in the midst of a fight. Regardless, she had ordered and she'd be quick to follow them. Hefting the heavy man over her shoulder with another groan, the short woman heaved with each haggard step until she was just before the reinforcements and her legs were begging her to stop. She made sure to drop the man with care, but as soon as he was off of her, she came running back behind Jormund, waving her sword in the air. [color=RosyBrown]"Hold on Flicker! I'm coming!"[/color] She bellowed from the top of her longs, flying towards the misty battlefield.