The Angar-Ryllans, opened a docking back for LeeRoy to link up with their ship. On the other side of the pressureiztion lock, a half-dozen knights stood waiting for him, their weapons held easy but ready to respond if need be. Dr. Salandra Kur stood waiting as well; however, she was dwarfed by the large armored knights, hidden by their forms, her eyes bright as she waited patiently for LeeRoy to come aboard. Although there were only six-visible knights, another six stood further back, ready to join any fray that might erupt. [center]***[/center] On the bridge, Dou’far Klaast watched the proceedings, until one of his aides handed him a data pad, [b]“When? When did this occur?”[/b] [i]“Half an hour ago my lord.”[/i] [b]“The telemetry data has been verified?”[/b] The aide simply nodded, [b]“Very well, I want a scout ship sent at once. Find out if that is an active gate.”[/b] The aide saluted and hurried away. [i][b]“What was that?” [/b][/i]Garal Vash inquired as he continued to observe the data coming in regarding Darashal. [b]“A surge of aetheric energy was detected amidst a debris field. Analysis estimates with 60% probability it is a gateway, one leading to the Nexus.”[/b] [i][b]“Wha? That is what we have been waiting for.”[/b][/i] The Lord General frowned, his mind racing,[b] “I know. That is what troubles me. We have been looking for such a thing and now for one to suddenly appear, the ramifications could be deadly.”[/b]