[center][color=#008b8b][h2]Fionn MacKerracher[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][@VitaVitaAR] [@HereComesTheSnow] [hr] Fionn's face broke into a grin as Jeremiah moved to counter his attack. His kick met a solid thigh, his bardiche was turned aside once again by the gigantic blade the man wielded, and the spray of dirt caught the bandit full in the face. Overcommitted, with no way to develop enough momentum to protect himself and with too many opponents on too many sides, he couldn't avoid Gerard's point getting buried in his ribs. When he raised his blade and roared, Fionn quickly interposed his own to protect both himself and his fellow former mercenary— —Only for Fanilly to capitalize on the next opening, and fully finish off the bandit king. His sword dropped without direction, and his body soon after. Fionn took the moment to catch his breath as the captain called out to all of the bandits still fighting, calling on them to surrender. Still leaving, as problems, the veterans who would refuse to surrender, and the griffin, which was... [color=#008b8b]"Bloody..."[/color] Through the fire, he could [i]just[/i] manage to see what was going on with the griffin, the result of a sequence of events he might never be able to understand or find any semblance of sense in, as it was full of just too many possibilities for collateral damage. He shook his head, turning back to Fanilly as she stared down at Rickert's corpse. [color=#008b8b]"Not yet, captain,"[/color] he said, clapping a hand down on her armoured shoulder to pull her attention aside. Some of the few knights that had wound up on their side of the tree were finishing their individual battles, and he waved a couple over to keep watch over their fallen comrade's corpse. [color=#008b8b]"There's too much left to do. Coordinate dealing with those who surrender, I'm going to go reinforce..."[/color] He glanced back across the flaming tree, away from the griffin. [color=#008b8b]"The ground team, I guess."[/color] With that, he quickly took off towards where he'd last seen Renar in the thick of the fighting.