[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z6cC6JC.png[/img][/center] Ishtar's response was only a little comforting for Alicia, who could not shake the suspicion that Wonderland would try something anyway. There had been little opportunity to build up trust for the group after all, and her experiences had left her disabused of the hope that villains would not take such an opportunity to attack isolated Beacon members if they were exposed. Still, she'd just have to handle these issues as they arose. That was half the reason she'd asked for Hyun to take part in the mission. [color=aba000]"We'll get it done,"[/color] she assured Ishtar. Regardless of her own personal feelings on Wonderland, she would not give the Beckoners a reason to doubt the ability of their branch. Thoughts of the mission to come were briefly banished from her mind as a familiar figure appeared in front of her. Eyes widened as she was suddenly embraced, but after a moment she returned the warm gesture. [color=aba000]"Serenity! I'm glad that you're back."[/color] It felt like it had been a while since she had seen the Horror-turned-teammate. [color=aba000]"I see headquarters hasn't made you soft yet."[/color] Alicia continued to smile as Aurelio arrived, receiving his share of attention in turn. Yet they did not have very long to dwell as Hyun and Gabriel made their appearance. [color=aba000]"It's alright Hyun,"[/color] she said with a glance over to the girl. [color=aba000]"She's a friend."[/color] She could appreciate the desire to maintain status and hierarchy, but in this case it was unnecessary. Still, that did raise one pertinent question. [color=aba000]"Well, she is. I don't think I've met the other girl before."[/color] The arrival of the trio caused her to turn back to Serenity. [color=aba000]"As much as I would like to fill you in on our somewhat epic assault on a Horror's stronghold, but we were actually about to head out on a mission. For once another city is getting trashed."[/color] They would have to catch up and reminisce later. For now she looked between Aurelio, Hyun, and Gabriel. it was a solid team for the mission that they were setting out to do. Even if complications presented themselves, they could still handle it with the squad that they had on hand. [color=aba000]"Just in case you guys weren't told, we're going to Bolorton to assist in evacuating civilians from the combat zone. We're not there to pick fights, but if you end up in one then make sure you end it. Any questions?"[/color] Alicia would do her best to answer them, but depending on how the situation developed they might have to improvise. Who knew what Wonderland would get up to in their schemes? [sub][@Ariamis][@Shifter_Master][@Crusader Lord][/sub]