"[color=darkorange]Quinnlash, the exit...go! Outside, go! I'm right behind you![/color]" She blinked. Blinked. She heard the words, but there were so many sounds, so many sounds, so many sounds so many sounds so many so many— "[color=darkorange]Now! Run![/color]" [COLOR=BLACK]RUN[/COLOR] [COLOR=DARKORANGE]QUINNLASH![/COLOR] [COLOR=BLACK]RUN QUINNLASH RUN [color=darkorange]RUN![/color] RUNRUNRUNYOUNEEDTORUNNOWNOWNOWRUN[/COLOR] The world was falling apart around her. Metal and dust and glass, smash smash smash. Her eye focused again. Her other eye—no there wasn't an eye there—stopped hurting. Run. Run. [color=black]RUN.[/color] She ran. Clicking chittering sounds came from all around her and the pinging of bullets turned into a firestorm. More and more [i]thi ng s[/i] around her turned into a clinging black goo that splattered across the ceiling and walls. She twitched again. It smelled like—it smelled like—it smelled—it was familiar somehow but she didn't know what it was she just didn't she didn't know but it smelled She kept [color=black]RUN[/color]ning [color=black]RUN[/color] She slammed through the exit door, setting the alarm a-ringing as she careened into the night. All around her, the world had turned into chaos. Soldiers shot. People ran. [color=black]HUNGRY black[/color] things clicked and hissed and jumped and died and kept coming coming coming [color=black]coming coming for her for her[/color] ignore everything else ignore it all it isn't important was Daz there no no no ignore it keep runni[color=black]ng RUN QUINNLASH YOU NEED TO RUN NOW RUN RUN RUNRUNRUN[/color] She kept running. She fixed her eye on the giant elevator shaft and kept [color=black]run[/color] kept running, stumbling and fumbling past screaming blackness and screaming people and the bloom of fire and crack crack crack of gunshots. She kept running and [color=black]running[/color] until she couldn't run[color=black]runRUNRUN[i]RUN[/i][/color] anymore, crumpling to her hands and knees again again again[color=black]st[/color] the side of a building, hacking and coughing. Her acid-burnt throat hurt more now, each breath she heaved in and out like sand poured through her mouth. She put her hand against the smooth brick wall, staggering to her feet and looking up at the elevator again. How close was it now? It seemed like it had barely gotten any closer. She stared at it with cloying dismay. She would never get there. Never. Never. But still, she kept going, hobbling along the wall, each step a knife to her neck. She had to. She had to get there she needed to Besca would protect her she would she would she lwould shewould shewoudll keep hersafesafe safe safsafes afesss fese safef sfae safffeafe—