[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/bodhi-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210522/9dc100ab03de7241f587e83c637a90d5.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Interacting with:[/b][@The Elvenqueen][/center] [center]Sunfur dragged his tired body out of his nest in the Warrior's den, feeling as limp as a piece of fresh kill. He had been roused from his deep sleep by Fernstar's call for a Clan meeting, and as he was about to exit the den he stopped to call out to Stonefall who was not yet out of his nest. [color=DAA520][i]You would think the Clan's deputy would have been the first to respond to his leader's call...[/i][/color] Sunfur observed. As he padded out into the clearing, the sunlight glinting off the snow was almost blinding, and he averted his eyes to the base of the Highstump. His eyes fell on Spidernose, and the empty space next to her. He lifted his head and gave Fernstar a nod as he sat down in the empty space between Maplestream and Spidernose. He twitched his whiskers and purred quietly, [color=DAA520][b]"Morning Spidernose! I had an amazing idea I spoke to Fernstar about yesterday, I'm sure she's going to talk about it. And you'll be able to help!"[/b][/color] Teaching the Clan to hunt in the treetops wasn't going to be easy, but he felt that he would be serving his Clan and honoring their ancestors by teaching an ancient hunting method. He would be proud to do it; and he hoped he and Spidernose could grow closer as she taught with him...[/center]