[center][h2]Aelia Arrianus[/h2][/center] Really.... standing in the rain, still waiting to enter, and these guards want to shake down the humans in the group. Aelia silently sighed, and she guessed it was a good thing that she was not human. But, still, it isn't right, and maybe these guards are willing to just accept the coin purses that human put out and leave the rest alone. Since it appears that the rest of the humans are broke, or they could just be lying. And she would not blame them if they are, and maybe these guards are dumb enough to believe it. Still, until these guards accept the possible lie. She, like the rest, are stuck in the rain, and Aelia is not sure how long until her cloak gets too wet and she starts to feel wet. She signed again, the first time in a demon city, and this happens. Not the best first impression, and she and her group are not even inside yet. Well, all she can do is hope that they can deal with this shakedown peacefully and it does not escalate into doing someone will regret. Not like these guards are that violent.