[h3]Giselle de Farry[/h3][i]Undead Princess, de Farry[/i] [hr] A skeletal horde, a skeletal beast, and an undead being that appeared to be a paladin, but on closer inspection, lacked its signature sword. Curiouser and curiouser, but it mattered not. Even if it as a diversion, what mattered at the end of the day was that it was all still in between them and their goal. Giselle hadn’t expected much of the small caliber, pedestrian weapon, but it had its intended effect. In this case, it appeared –whichever was the one that was controlling the other—didn’t like being shot at. The white-haired vampire was prepared for the retaliation, however, and she holstered her pistol as she leapt away from the path of the beast’s bone arm. Seeing Dragan move to her support, she gave him a nod as he took advantage of the opening. Even if the smaller paladin –or paladin lookalike—was controlling the larger skeleton, it was hard to stop that amount of inertia. Indeed, the time for gauging the battle behind the safety of the ramparts was over. She made her landing in a sea of lesser undead, which she reaped with a whirl of her enhanced scythe, batting aside the rest as she turned her attention back to the paladin. Starting towards it, she called out to two of her companions. [b]“Dragan, Aleksiya, with me. Let us see if we can end this by striking at the supposed source.”[/b] In another motion, she sliced out with her polearm at the armored figure, engaging it in melee combat.