[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] With the battle winding down, Tyaethe simply gave the fleeing bandits a half-hearted glare and leant against her sword, firmly planting the blade into the ground once again. There were enough knights around that they'd be caught before they got too far; maybe they'd even do the smart thing and realise they should surrender. Oh, it was almost certain they'd meet the same fate in the end, as disappointing as it was... but they'd still have the chance to make their case, and maybe someone would be truly repentant and get another chance. The least they would receive would be multiple opportunities for repentance and guidance after death. She hadn't denied [i]anyone[/i] that, yet, and she wasn't about to start. The vampire's eyes flicked around the battlefield. For an assault on a fortified camp... well, maybe she could take some claim to why there were so few injuries. Things were mostly positive. The captain was definitely still alive and not slowly dying to poison. It didn't seem like they'd be getting a chance to tame a griffin, though... what a waste. Could a griffin even be properly tamed, or would it still always be a threat to everyone around it? Husbandry wasn't remotely within her skills, but she would have loved to try... With only her line of sight betraying the reason, Tyaethe let out a disappointed sigh.