There is a moment of disorganization; nine colours all looking at each other, unclear of how to parse any of that. Brown detaches from the group to start turning off projector grilles and collecting fog cartridges. Yellow pulls out her phone and types into the group chat, and a second later there are eight 'dings' in a variety of tones, and they all pull out their phones and look at them. There are a quiet few moments as they awkwardly stand, texting furiously to themselves. Yellow: I think this is evidence for my theory that we should never discuss deep motivations with humans. White: You mean, you think that you should never talk to humans? Yellow: Yeah. I'm way too much a downer and I can't do the cute robot bit like you all can. Orange: He's just concerned about our ability to engage with society constructively Black: Are we capable of doing that? Green: It would be a limitation if we couldn't Orange: It's outside the operational framework for this mission, we don't have that level of public influence Pink: The Anthropozine can give us a voice. Blue: Really? Might as well write in an editorial to Socialist Alternative for all the good that'll do Brown: Completed living room inventory, expanding sweep Green: He did no-sell all the stuff we did. I will begin revisiting every moment of our operational database for all our mistakes and replay all of them in ultra high resolution while asking all of you if they're the reason he didn't react to them. Black: Is he for real with the whoopee cushion thing? Or is this a "daddy joke" Pink: >< its 'dad joke' omg White: He still hasn't said how he knows about the brain bombs "Sounds great!" said Red. "FriendSmile is an app marketed to teenage girls that lets them photo edit the social media photographs of their friends across multiple profiles. The company is aware that this is primarily used for cyberbullying and is adding progressively more 'ugly' features, some of which are outright racist, and neglecting 'pretty' ones, all of which trend towards a single model of beauty. There are multiple subscription tiers, each of which gives you immunity to having your photos involuntarily edited by the layer below. The CEO has AR glasses that rates the attractiveness of women he looks at on a scale of one to ten, and you can see the number reversed in his glasses whenever he looks at you. They're [i]awful[/i], let's gett'm." The rest of November looks up, and then wordlessly tucks their phones away.