[color=bfbfbf][sub][table= //////= POST DESIGN v1=\\\\\\][row][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/3yIxcOs.png[/img][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/row][row][cell][sup][img]https://i.imgur.com/02Lin0j.png[/img][/sup] [color=2e2c2c]_______________________________[sub]........[/sub][/color] [/cell][cell][color=white][center][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/DHKvx27.png[/img][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][center][color=2e2c2c]Location · |@vietmyke][/color] Si Wong Desert · [@vietmyke][/center][/sub][/center][/color][quote][color=2e2c2c]____________________________________________________________________________.[/color] [color=9f9f9f]Jin's eyes slowly blinked in the glowing dawn of the desert, a hand over the faceshield of his helmet to cut some of the light that morning sun brought. It was quiet and peaceful, to the point that Jin almost forgot what had happened the day before. He sighed, that life seemed so far away now. Jin looked around, from the top of the Kyoshi where he was sat. The Kyoshi itself was parked close to a small outcropping of stone they were resting by. Most of the others were still in various states of rest. Jin himself was used to waking up early. Out in the desert, the time on the clock and the passing hours didn't really matter- the day usually started when the light came out, and usually ended a few hours after it got dark. There was no electricity in the desert once you got a certain distance away from the pipelines, so there was often no point in traveling- if you turned on your headlights, you'd be spotted from miles away, if you left them off, traversing the sands would be difficult at worst. Jin stretched his arms out and yawned, a familiar popping sound rattling down his spine as he did.Looking around their makeshift campsite, Jin counted the people and came up one short. Straightening up immediately, Jin quickly did a second survey, his eyes specifically searching for a particularly bunny eared helmet. He relaxed a bit as he saw Sumire a short distance away from the others in the open sand. A morning stroll perhaps? It’d been a while since Jin had taken Sumire out into the desert- ever since she became the company’s de facto radio op, she spent more of her time at either the main center or one of the outposts by the city. Sliding off the Kyoshi and landing in the sand with a soft thud, Jin made his way over to where Sumire was standing. [color=steelblue]”Mir, what’re you doing out here?”[/color] Jin called out curiously as he went over to where Sumire stood, leaning over her shoulder to see what Sumire was looking at. [color=white]”Jin! Look!”[/color] Sumire said excitedly, pointing at a flower- in the desert. Jin for his part looked at the plant curiously too. A flower sticking out of the sands was certainly a strange sight. [color=steelblue]”Yeah, look at that.”[/color] Jin agreed, [color=steelblue]”Was this here last night?[/color] [color=white]”Hey, Jin…”[/color] Sumire said sweetly, the shorter girl’s polarized faceplate looked up at him, the single remaining bunny ear flopping behind her. Jin rolled his eyes, he didn’t need to see through the helmet to know what face she was making. [color=white]”Can you get it for me?”[/color] [color=steelblue]”What? Why? It's right there- if you want it, you get it.”[/color] Jin replied. Sumire punched him in the arm. Hard. [color=white]”Just get it.”[/color] Sumire demanded sullenly, with a huff. [color=steelblue]”Fine, fine, I’ll get your dumb flower.”[/color] Jin sulked, rubbing at his arm as he took a step towards the small plant. [/color][/quote] [/cell][/row][/table][/sub][/color]