Han’s attention doesn’t leave their unwelcome visitor, not for a moment. But pause she does. “If an honest talk’s all she wants, she could ditch the mask, [i]not[/i] jump out of the forest as soon as we’re alone, maybe start with telling us how the hell she caught up to us so fast. Or knew where we’d be.” And, while she’s at it, tell her if they’d ever met, because dammit all, she’d [i]swear[/i] she’d heard this voice somewhere before. “But dear old [i]Red Wolf[/i] didn’t put you to all this trouble just to check up on us, did she?” Her eyes flicked to the telltale choker around her neck. “Still time to walk away, you know. Plenty of road out there. Lots of places two people can disappear to. If you’re worried about what to tell your boss,” and her smile is full of teeth. “I can think of bigger problems.”