"Really?!" Giri's eyes go wide and she looks up and down at the Banneret. "Why does she matter so much?! Why has Heaven even intervened here?" Giri sighs, spits, kicks the dirt, throws up her hands. But there's that extended hand from the Banneret and this is a time limited offer. She glances back over her shoulder at Han and Piripiri. This was frustrating. Why were her obligations always thrown against each other like this? It's Azazuka that decides it at the end. Azazuka and a bit of observation that made her think Piri wouldn't want her to abandon Azazuka either. Piripiri too had been courteous and thoughtful towards Azazuka earlier, and throughout their time on the barge. Piri was competent, Azazuka was possessed. She was now quite determined to get the Golden Banneret done with her business (ideally without stranding them in the middle of nowhere, but even that was mostly a bonus at this point). Mission Get Azazuka's Body Back was going to be the thing, and Giri thought (hoped, prayed, begged) that her captors would agree with her decision. So, she took that hand, wherever it might lead. Good luck Piri, good luck Han and Lotus. She hopes it all works out for you, and that maybe the healing circle is even a bit useful if you can figure out what it is.