The fact that She-Hulk attempted to pull a "We purposely made a bad ending of the show guys. Ha ha ha." Makes it one of the saddest pieces of fiction that I've never watched in my life. Because it easily had one of the bigger budgets of any "bad show" that you ever watched. (Rings Of Power aside.) 75 million for 3 episodes, to put it in perspective. No one, and I repeat, no one goes out to produce a bad show. (Let alone a project that spends so much money, and spends so much time worried about their haters.) And it reminds me of that "secret Sherlock episode" that never existed. Because the joke isn't on the people who criticized the show. (Much as some truly zealous fans might want to believe.) It only validates their perspective. It tacitly mocks your fanbase and supporters for ever liking it in the first place. Something you know is terrible and you did absolutely nothing to fix. [hr] [s][b][i]Also, not to do any work for the devil. But...[/i][/b][/s] Netflix released a season of "The Mole". (All episodes come out on the 21st. And more come out today.) But while I'm watching it, because it [i][b]was[/b][/i] one the better reality shows to come out. The current season has been incredibly predictable, and I swear it better not be as obvious as the editing makes it out to be.