[@Dark Light] Lavender hummed to show that she was listening. It was a shame that the doctor ‘used to’ live and work in the tavern. They might’ve come in handy during situations like the one that had transpired earlier. Ah, he went to go get milk. She was a bit jealous he managed to just up and go like that, but it is what it is. The fox faced woman stared at the strip of bandage he had offered her. To say she was surprised was an understatement. Lavender looked up to make eye contact (well, as much eye contact as she could with a mask on) and tried to ask him silently what the hell he wanted to do because dear gods above she was astounded. Astounded and confused. Ouch. Doc sounded like someone people could easily exploit. Come running to him when you’re injured but ignore him entirely just because you dislike his personality.