Kinn let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair. He had to try and heal the dieing Shewolf himself, Atticus had taken the priority of questioning the mortally wounded Nixie and Mr Hoyle had offered his assistance in helping his sister. Kinn had to try and call on his own powers to draw energy from himself and Mr Hoyle. It would have to be enough to save the elderly sister of his boss. "Mr Hoyle, I am going to try and ask the Earthmother for her blessing, I will need to take some of your energy and channel it through me to your sister, hopefully it will act as the same way as I had planned with Atticus's help." The Old Wolf nodded his assent and extended his hand to Kinn. The Druid took the weathered hand and shut his eyes, falling almost immediately into communion with his Goddess. he silently conveyed his thoughts, asking for her blessing and guidance. As he felt a warmth flow through him he understood that Gaia had heard his plea. There was a slight tingling in his and Mr Hoyles hand. The exchange of energy had begun. Kinn focused as the Old man's energy flowed up his arm. The ancient power of the Wolf brought with it vivid memories from Mr Hoyle, Kinn had brief visions of running through a dense forest, howls echoing all around him, he clenched his jaw against the sudden urge to howl in response. The overwhelming scent of pine forest assaulted his nostrils, then came a hunger he had never experienced. Kinn was finding it harder to hold onto his own identity, the Wolf in Mr Hoyle was ancient and powerful, it knew that Kinn was trying to syphon off some of it's power and was attacking the offender. Kinn brought up images of Mr Hoyles sister, the wound and what he hoped to accomplish with the help of the energy from Mr Hoyle. He had to show the wolf that he was trying to help it's kin and not stealing the power for himself. He felt a slight build of pressure in his head, it felt like it would explode, and then just as suddenly it stopped. Sweat beading his forehead, Kinn placed his other hand on the open wound of the Shewolf. He felt the press of energy in his palm and gently coaxed it from his body, expelling it to fast would have killed the wolf outright. He mentally counted the seconds as the last of the energy flowed out of him. He felt hollowed out by the experience, his own being had almost been lost and he did not even know if the whole procedure would be a success. He nodded to Mr Hoyle and gave a wan smile. The whole process had taken about ten minutes, but to Kinn it felt as if he had run a marathon. He caught snippets of conversation and turned to look for Raleigh. His vision blurred and he flopped heavily onto the floor, the travel from Africa to Ireland, then from there to this cave in Alaska and the unusual practice of energy transference had left him utterly drained. He was asleep in seconds.