[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img] Word Count: 556 (+1 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]2[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 61/20 [b]Location[/b]: Dystopiascape - Gutsford[/center] Pit only made it to the train just before the duo of Tora and Poppi, having covered where he could for the others. They squished inside, deemed safe once the cat-pulled train car took off. The Seekers sprawled out, healing, relaxing, and otherwise decompressing from the hectic chase. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Did they really have to sic the entire subway on us? There were way too many!"[/color] the angel complained, leaning back in a seat with his legs stretched out. He awaited Roxas' literal awakening after being spiritually awakened by Geralt's friend heart. He had been the most injured it seemed, and now that everyone else was patching themselves up or being patched up by the team's healers, all that was left during the ride was to fill the boy in on the nature of the World of Light. As it turned out, when Roxas regained consciousness he already had a good grasp on it. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Whoa, you already know a lot,"[/color] Pit said, surprised. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Yeah, I'm sure we'll run into them eventually! There's still a lot of people missing out there, but they're only missing until we find them!"[/color] He pulled his legs up to sit cross-legged in the seat, nodding along to Midna's explanations. He only added a little more to it, like bringing up the 'army of master hands' - [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"So if you see a giant white floating glove, he's not that friendly right now. ...if he ever was?"[/color] - and mentioning the Seekers' base at Smash City Alcamoth, where he and a few others had come from to make it to Twilight Town in the first place. With that, Roxas was pretty much caught up. After that, Midna asked about the symbols on her new guns, but since Pit didn't have a clue he just gave her a shrug. Soon enough the train came to a stop, arrived at it's destination. It turned out to be a bustling town, modern and colorful. The buildings were mostly brick and mortar, including three huge structures with many people going in and out, mostly on the younger side. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"So what's this place?"[/color] Pit questioned, squinting at the lettering on the buildings that he couldn't even read in the first place. Nearby, Blazermate answered the question with enthusiam. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Schools? Uh, why would there be superpowers in a school?"[/color] he asked of the Medabot, his tone incredulous. Besides the superpowers, why would they find 'terror' there either? [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Don't kids just go to learn stuff there? It's probably pretty boring. "Plus we're not in the right place. Midgar is supposed to be a super big city."[/color] As he said that, the Twilight Princess exclaimed about a mountain-like city, and sure enough when Pit turned to look in that direction there was no way to miss what she saw. "Skyscraper" was an understatement, the metal buildings they saw from here were crazy big. He could scarcely imagine how large they were up close! [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Wow, it's huge! That must be it!"[/color] Well, finding the place had been easy thanks to the immense size of it. Getting to it would be another issue, as was pointed out. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I guess it is a little far to walk."[/color] So the first mission for the "Black Team" would be securing transportation, which would give them a chance to explore the town a little. Borrowing some wheels shouldn't be too difficult!