The Modir starred ahead, its eyes dimmed to hollow cherry orbs in their sockets. It looked almost like it was resting; if she looked closely enough, if she could, she would see its massive shoulders rising and falling as slightly as Dahlia’s had this morning. By now, perhaps she expected the voice to come, to hear her own thoughts and feel them as another’s, but it didn’t. There was only silence, broken by pounding of her heart, and the chattering of her teeth. There was, however, something else. Not words, not thoughts, but [i]feeling[/i]. It was submerged deep, but it treaded impatiently, kicked trying to rise to the surface and force itself to be felt. Anger. Something wanted to hate this thing. Wanted [i]Quinnlash[/i] to hate it. Besca was on her then, arms around her like she thought Quinn was about to collapse—had she? A hand felt gently at the back of her head, waved in her face. The words seemed so far away, shoved to the back. Another blur approached, gestured Besca aside, and she did so only after more blurs ushered her back. Light flicked across Quinn’s eye, quick from side to side. Snapping in her ear. Her name, said soothingly, but intently. “[color=lightblue]Quinn.[/color]” It was Follen. He shined a little flashlight at her eye again, turned it away. Fingers propped a bump on the back of her head, but came back unbloodied. “[color=lightblue]Quinn, darling.[/color]” The feeling sunk, though its displeasure remained. With its going, the world slowly began to return to her. Follen before her, thin smile on his lips, warm eyes behind his glasses. “[color=lightblue]I know, Quinn,[/color]” he said quietly, even Besca couldn’t have heard from the few steps away. “[color=lightblue]But if you don’t do this, they will send you home. Right back to your mother and father. Don’t let them do that to Besca. Don’t let them do that to [i]you[/i].[/color]” And suddenly he stood away, and his voice returned to a normal volume. “[color=lightblue]She’s unharmed. Her plugs are intact as well, she’s fine to proceed. At least give her the chance.[/color]”