[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img] [color=salmon]Word Count: 591 (+1 exp)[/color] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]9[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 155/90 [b]Location:[/b] Edinburgh MagicaPolis[/color][/center] The further the trio ran, the more hopeless the thought of reuniting with the other Seekers for their respective missions became. The trains could have taken off already without them, or worse - one or more of them could have succumb to the onslaught. The Cadet chose to believe that everyone else had made it out alright though, given how tough and resourceful the people he'd come to consider friends had proven themselves to be. Anyway, if he, Band, and Red couldn't meet up with their teammates then they'd figure out a plan of action later once they were safe. So they toughed it out, lungs burning until they could see escape in front of them. It wasn't one of the many colored metro stations that they ran toward, but an exit from the metro altogether. Daylight filtered in through the windows and doors of a wider open space, and it was through there that the three men made it out. Even after bursting out of the metro, the Cadet didn't stop running until the sound of feline tidal wave was cut off. He then slowed to a jog, then a stop as he turned back and noted that none of the cats were following them out. [color=salmon]"Oh my wrog..."[/color] he panted, working to catch his breath quick. He made his way back toward the other two, craning his neck to get a look at the city while they were out there. It was huge, more modern looking than not, and pretty damn cold. If the Cadet had to take a guess where they were, it would be that vague frozen section of the map they'd gone over at Alcamoth. Of course the most striking thing about the area was the super massive bumblepumpkin in front of them, in fact being where they'd just exited. That the entire metro had really been indoors, and not just underground somewhere was mind-boggling. As an aside, the fact that other-worldly cultures also carved their bumblepumpkins like his did was amusing. The Cadet refocused his attention back on the doors that the trio had just come from. Through the glass they could see what remained of their pursuers, unwilling to leave the building. Though glad that the chase was over for now, it would have been a lot easier to lose a big chunk of the cats in city streets, he thought. Then, maybe they could have snuck back inside and chanced another trek toward the stations. With the horde staying put inside, that was a pipe dream. [color=salmon]"This giggisux,"[/color] the Ace Cadet said, staring into the slowly disappearing crowd of cats behind the doors. [color=salmon]"What are we gonna do now? We can't get back inside. I guess we call a Moogle and let home base know what happened, see how far away we are?"[/color] From the other two teams or from Alcamoth, he didn't specify. He let out a groan, rubbing the back of his head. Among the metro cats, only one pursuer remained while the rest retreated back into the depths of the Nyakuza Metro. She was more woman than cat, with a large frame and the Gleaming coloration that forced her to stay and fight even while she was suffering from the cold. She charged then, right at Big Band. She was so focused on her prey that she didn't notice the monster hunter come up next the detective, and with shield still in hand he swung his arm out into her path. She crashed into it, skull colliding with the thick steel.