Love is... ... a pistol that unfolds predator optics, so that she can watch her prey through walls and floors. Scrutinizing their movements until they pass into her dreams. Reliving her dreams until they pass into her neural mesh, into the random, trembling micromotions of her unsteady hands. Love is snapfire into your victim's heart. Love is... ... a zero-entropy antimatter fission beam, the product of an inverted crystal fire reactor. The unique configuration produces two separate pools of energy; a weak flow of heat that allows her motion, though not as rapid and not as sure as she is used to. She needs to store what she can in batteries to fuel sudden sprints and acrobatics. The stronger flow derives antimatter from the cosmos, collecting in a radiant blue-black glow in the heart of her weapon. Love is everywhere if you have the hands to grasp it. Love is... ... stalking in the dark. An act of murder as much as it is an act of war. Every sense has a foil, every scan has a baffle, every act of communication can be drowned out. Slipping out of bed at midnight to carry your sleepless nightmares away alone. Coming closer and rearranging all the world into your context. Love is a kiss that can't be dodged. These are what the Kathresis tells her that love is. So she uses none of it. She does not love this spirit. She does not love these faceless drones. She does not love their lumpen, ungainly guns and their shards of metal. She does not love its rage. She does not love its pride. She does not love it, not at all. She focuses her zero-entropy generation into razor points, a high powered annihilation shield that dances in front of her in crackling sparks. She walks close at a steady speed and whirls about with blades of silver and gold and is done. Love is... a shield. The only shield. The shield that saves you from war by transforming war into dance. To stand against Solarel with no shield is to take your life in your hands.