[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8JSMqvi.png[/img][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LjAwMDAwMC5SM0pwYlEsLC4w/vanemnoncommercial.regular.webp[/img][/center] [i]”There’s been a … complication.”[/i] This time Doctor Edwards had stepped away from the bed containing his patient to talk into his phone, voice quiet. With the man’s back to her Zoey’s eyes darted to and fro, crossing over Sarah multiple times but always ending up back on her. This would all be so easy to get out of if she could so much as just land a foot on the girl to nudge her away. “Ah, Miss Kasimir, it seems plans have to be altered.” The redhead tilted her head to look back at the Doctor, a strained emotion with how her very muscles were flexing and straining against this concoction running through her. The man smiled jovially to her. “Seems you have some friends, one of which was our original target. Considering this place has already been compromised, releasing you not into the streets but into this very facility would appear to be the better course of action. And of course, considering how abysmal the streets are filled right now, this will just be another case of insurance-” Oh thank god, someone busted the door in and stopped his monologue. Zoey’s head snapped to the side to take in this new threat, steel-grey eyes widening slightly at the appearance of the enormous creature… and also Wraith. Because you know, if there’s ever anyone [i]else[/i] she wanted to see her identity, it’s definitely the half-crazy man she’s trauma bonded with as her alter ego. Also the bunny girl appeared, and also appeared to have caffeine jitters. Great. “Well this isn’t ideal…” The doctor muttered under his breath, stepping back from the bed. Under the harsh lights of the hospital it almost seemed like he was becoming shinier, as though everything on him - including his clothes - were covered in a layer of sweat. Then he began [i]dripping[/i], his clothes merging into his body as everything became extremely liquid about him. Which was a problem. “He injected me with something!” Zoey half snapped, half snarled like an animal as shadows continued to just barely wisp around her. “Oh, don’t worry - they’ll see for themselves.” Edwards’ liquidy hand grabbed onto Sarah’s face, carelessly tipping her over. The instant the girl’s glowing purple eyes were off her Zoey shrieked as Grim’s powers exploded outward - and despite the bright lights spikes of pure darkness exploded out from her, driving through the walls, floor, ceilings, a few through the oceanic Edwards himself- Maybe later Zoey could laugh about how it was like a blowfish puffing up.