[h3]Lissa[/h3] [b]“Mhm. Certainly not,”[/b] Lissa agreed with Eirhild, nodding at the shorter girl. “I’ve been to some pretty standoffish villages, but not someplace that’s overtly hostile to merchants, even if its an excuse. Usually places are just happy to see goods or news from outside, or if not, just seeking to take advantage.” She shrugged, listening in to what the Yaga girl had to say. It was an interesting explanation, but something sounded off… unless the Kyrsa really had fallen on a terrible excuse for a scapegoat. [b]“So let me get this straight… their incompetent guardsmen failed at finding the true perp of whatever crime their was, so they blame a random merchant that happens to use their village as a part of her route. Then, as a result of blaming a merchant, they blame all merchants? That’s… a really unique logical leap, if that’s what is really going on,”[/b] she mused, a frown on her face. [b]“As I was thinking earlier, that’s a really good way to never receive visitors ever again, because words from merchants [i]spread.[/i]”[/b] She returned the favor when the girl introduced herself. [b]“I’m Lissa. I got the impression that was entirely an excuse, but successor’s daughter and all, I’m surprised you two stook your necks out for us. We appreciate it, though."[/b] Pausing for a moment, she continued on. [b]“Considering what happened, though, is there anything going on here that we should know about…? Even if you don’t know much about the problem with the merchant, maybe you know somebody who does? It sounds concerning.”[/b]