[b][h3]Orpheuz[/h3][/b] It dawned upon him too late that this girl couldn't be the one he was looking for, her haircolour was not the same. How had he mistaken it before? Perhaps the void had warped not only his form and powers but his way of seeing the world itself. The girl which he had approached was also not as gifted physically as the one he had imprinted in his memories. Not to mention when she spoke up, it was some form of gibberish as far as he could tell. [b][i]'How typical. I approach the wrong person and it's a foreigner of all things. Such poor luck.'[/i][/b] He mentally sighed to himself before looking the greenhaired girl over more closely. 'This girl looks awfully dull... I'd best find a smooth way to simply leave. Hmm. Perhaps some of these confections could offer such a transition.' [b] "My. A-p-p-o-l-o-g-i-e-s. Mis-taken for another."[/b] He spoke slowly, because he knew that otherwise this clueless looking foreigner wouldn't be able to understand him at all. He couldn't waste time with someone who couldn't even understand the Rhean language. [b]"Baker. I would like to have ten of these."[/b] Orpheuz motioned with his hand towards some hard candy on display, it were the kind of sweets she had favored.. at least in his memories. As the baker walked up, he seemed to slip on something behind it. Orpheuz could only hear his thick head faceplanting into the floor. There were no expression suitable for such a display of un-grace. To even fail in walking, which even some toddlers could do was only to be met with a deadpan expression. It took the baker a few moments to get back to his feet, laughing slightly while being bruised but he sure enough soon put said candy into a paper bag. Orpheuz brought out his card with money, but once he slid it into the payment device, it didn't register properly. [i][b]'What? Are you defying me aswell?'[/b][/i] His judgemental gaze narrowed at the card and yet again a negative beeping sound emerged. [b][i]'Invalid? Is that so? Your usefulness is invalid. I do not take kindly to failure...'[/i][/b] [b]"Eyy!"[/b] He yelled out and telekinetically hurled said card out of the open door, making it fly over a few houses in the process. After that was done, the military clad young man took a deep breath, briefly removing his hat, pulling his hair back abit with his right hand before putting the cap back on, this time with the front-flap shading more of his face. [b]"On a second thought. Sweets make you fat. I shall have to pass. Perhaps another time."[/b] He addressed the baker before throwing a glance to the foreigner girl. She's better not be having fun at his expense. She had given him a certain kind of smile before, he knew the kind. The kind which try ensnare young men and bring ruin upon them. Such attempts were however futile, as far as he knew. For his mind was warded in many ways, one of which were the sweet memory of the greatest goddess. How could anyone else compare with her? Her unique and beautiful laughter... Like the sweetest of melodies on fields of gold, like the grandest of diamonds surrounded by coal. [@Crowvette]