[color=ec008c][b][h3]Lynnwell Tourmaline[/h3][/b][/color] The pinkhaired catwoman slowly moved closer, like how a cat would along a person's leg or a wall. Smoothly and on steps that were so silent she almost seemed to be weighing nothing. How Michael looked at her did amuse her to a minor degree, she could likely guess where his mind were at. Alexandria's words however did get a rise out of her, how could she not understand the olden tongue? Had the world truly fallen into complete disarray. [color=ec008c][b]"Little maidling, I speak in the olden tongue. I am not foreign to the land o' Laurel. Have you learnt nothing despite being so old? To think that people have forsaken the past to such a degree. You are both weak. A male groveling before a female, like a dog whose whimpering for a bone. And you rely on him to bring you nourishment, rather than hunting it down yourself. Shameful. You do not bear the right to bear his mark."[/b][/color] Lynnwell's eyes set firmly on Alexandria, even if they were hard to see under the pink hair. Her clawed hand stretching out to point towards the St Laurel insignia that all members of the school bore. [color=ec008c][b]"Were this not the day of his memory, I would strike you down right here. But I have respect for him, even if you do not. Thus I shall grant you until tommorrow to find your spirits and cast aside your weakness..."[/b][/color] The woman explained as she approached even closer to Michael, now stepping up to stand face to face with him. She took a moment to blow some warm air from her mouth to his ear when she finally slid past him and went closer to Alexandria. The pinkhaired catwoman lowered her voice and spoke in a soft tone of voice. [color=ec008c][b]"Show me thine right to exist... disciple o' Laurel. Prove fit o' his crown."[/b][/color] Lynnwell whispered to Alexandria's ear. It wasn't that the rest of the students were stronger than Michael or Alexandria, but they had been the unfortunate ones to be seen by the feline-warrior's gaze. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Is there a problem here?"[/b][/color] A St Laurel teacher suddenly walked into the scene, the math teacher specifically. He was currently trying to put one and one together. [@Scarifar][@Crowvette]