[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zdSc0rY.png[/img] [color=2B822F]Time:[/color] 10:50AM [color=2B822F]Location: [/color] Archery range [color=2B822F]Interaction:[/color] [@Potter]Princess Sadie,[@Rodiak] Mattias and Zarai,[@princess] Princess Anastasia,[@ReusableSword]Roman [color=2B822F]Mention:[/color][@Tae]Thea,[@Heartfillia]Crystal, [@Helo]Leo [color=2B822F]Attire:[/color][url=https://litb-cgis.rightinthebox.com/images/640x853/202106/bps/product/inc/jfqhkv1624934883758.jpg?fmt=webp&v=1] ’nice clothing’[/url] [/center] [hr][hr] Verrick found out he was going against “Lord Damien.” It was a close match, but sadly Thea didn’t win. Which he was fine with…he didn’t want to compete against her anyways, but he knew she could have used a win in her life. His shoulder was aching a bit more now, taking more time with his shots in the last round and using his right arm more. This “Lord Damien” was a talented shot. He wasn’t sure if he could pull off a win with his shoulder. He went first, again using his unusual style of pulling four arrows out. But unlike the others, he took his time and planted two in the bullseye. The third barely missed and hit the seven pointer ring, and he winced again on the final shot, hitting the five pointer ring. His opponent followed up with three bullseyes and a 5 pointer. Verrick blinked a curse in his head. Rotating his arm a few times and pulling out another four arrows. He Pulled back his string and cursed as a sharp pain shot through his arm. He growled under his breath as he saw his arrow hit the three point ring. He took a second more to calm himself, before attempting his final three shots. The next two barely missed the bullseye, just inside the seven point ring. Pushing through his pain he pulled his final shot and… hit directly center of the target. He watched as his opponent took his final shots. Wincing inwardly as he already had a higher point than him with his five and 7. With how well he did in the last round he was sure he was going to lose…that was until his next shot went wide and hit the one point ring. Even with a bullseye on his next shot Verrick would barely win. He let out a tiny sigh of relief and tossed the bow onto the table. Looking to his last opponent he offered his hand.[color=2B822F] “Well done. I don’t see archers with an eye like yours in Casonia very often… though I know Count Damien only has two daughters…So who are you really?”[/color] He asked with a raised eyebrow. Whatever his answer was, he only nodded his head. As he was then offered the bow, coin purse and trophy. What the hell was he supposed to do with a trophy? He felt the weight of it. Well.. he could always melt it down. He nodded to the woman in a silent thanks. As for the bow, it wasn’t as heavy as he expected, he expected it to be unwieldy. He heard of Lord Ravenwoods skills at making ‘pretty’ functional weapons. But he never held one. Still… it was a bit heavier than his bow. Certainly not his style for blending in. He took his prizes, and headed over to Mathias. Grabbing his personal longbow, he slung it over his shoulders. Looking up to Lukas, who sat on his fathers shoulders. [color=2B822F]”Here…I can’t hold onto two bows. Hold this for me.” [/color] He still didn’t decide if he was going to let the boy keep it, but who knows… he might forget about it. [color=2B822F]”Well that’s enough fun for me. Back to work.” [/color] He said looking at Mathias. [color=2B822F]”Better go say hello to Lady Crystal… [i]SIR[/i] Mathias.” [/color] He said with a joking half bow. While it was technically his title. The lady calling out his name before the match was not something he normally saw with Mathias. He made his way over to the Princess and passed Lord Leo. Making sure he caught his eye, he brushed his nose after wrinkling it, letting out a huff as to get rid of a bad smell. A tiny smirk on his face as he continued on. Upon reaching the guards for Princess Sadie, he tossed his trophy to one of them. [color=2B822F]”Put that in the Princess’s carriage. Ill take over from here.” [/color] He looked to see Prince Felix here…but not… He cleared his throat. He looked at Princess Sadie and those who sat next to her. Bowing deeply as he [color=2B822F]”Princess Anastasia…You look enchanting as always.” [/color] [color=2B822F] “Lady Zara.”[/color] He said with a slight respectful bow. He met her once or twice before… but never really spoke to her. Nodding his Head to Lord Ravenwood, [color=2B822F] “Thank you for the bow.”[/color] He said calmly before Looking to Princess Sadie. Despite Felix standing right there, he bowed down and placed his head next to her to whisper.[color=2B822F]”Whatever that fool said, It was not true. I can toss him out a window later tonight if you so wish.” [/color]