Morgan had snuck out like she always did usually looking for some supplies nearby in the city that was a good hour or two away she had her rifle slung over her shoulder. It was always usually crawling with scavengers in the area that was why her little community never really ventured out into the city. They didn't really trust to many outsiders and rarely ever let them in, usually they'd blind fold them and then drove them a good few hours away and let them go then. They didn't kill anyone unless they actually did want to, as Morgan walked down an alleyway she could hear signs of a scuffle going on. Morgan hid behind an old dumpster she made sure she wasn't spotted as she pulled out her rifle and looked through it's scope, seeing a man getting himself beaten and dragged. She thought for a few moments, playing with the thought of just abandoning him and continue with her search, before deciding to screw it she didn't want a potentially innocent man to end up dying. She waited for a few moments before pulling the trigger, as the bullet flew true shooting the scav in the throat, his dead body crumbled down onto the ground. Luckily the other scavengers who were nearby didn't have any guns on them and they panicked pretty badly, and dropped what they were doing and fled down an alleyway a few blocks away. Morgan then waited a few seconds later to make sure that the coast was clear, and made her way towards the man lightly tapping him with her boot to make sure that he was alive or dead. [@deegee]