[hr][hr][center][h2][color=#B22222]Cassiopeia Hood[/color][/h2][img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/l0Ex51vOyF6GwhFpm/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611dd27d40af1865bb0be61871795307cda773c9c22&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img][hr][color=#B22222]Location:[/color] Tower -- The Moors [color=#B22222]Skills:[/color] [hr][hr][/center] The evening was nice for Cassiopeia but strange. Since finding out about her past, Cassiopeia and Layla had been very close and hardly spent time apart. Cassi wasn't always with her sister. There were times she went to movies with her own friends or went solo for a hunt but it was different this time. She was grateful for Rose and the company she provided. It gave them a private moment to really enjoy the fact that their relationship had shifted and to talk about it. There was a lot that Cassi already knew about Rose, what with running in the same circle but it was nice to be able to ask more questions. And to make out a little. Still, Cassi slept in her own bed and woke at a decent time. Cassi groaned as she woke, rolling over and covered her face. She didn't sleep the greatest which sucked. Cassi was used to sleeping in all sorts of places but every night in a new bed and new environment was getting exhausting. [hr][hr][center][h2][color=#F08080]Willow Jones[/color][/h2][img]https://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34400000/Klaus-Mikaelson-Caroline-Forbes-klaus-and-caroline-34448889-245-245.gif[/img][hr][color=#F08080]Location:[/color] Palace -- Agrabah [color=#F08080]Skills:[/color] [hr][hr][/center] Colby kept up easily and once they were in the store, he managed to find them a place to hide. Willow ducked down once the guards entered the shop and held her breath in an effort to keep from drawing too much attention. She heard them rummage around, getting closer until once said they sensed something and hurried off. Willow paused for a minute longer before peering around her hiding spot to make sure all the guards were gone. She stood up and nodded to Colby just as their parents came over and urged them to keep going. [color=#F08080]"Don't need to tell me twice."[/color]