[quote=@Jeddaven] Hey, man. If I can offer some advice, you won't likely have a ton of luck getting players this way-- there's nothing wrong with doing a casual thing, but it'd still be helpful to have more information on what the roleplay is, when it's set, etc -- you'll notice even other casual NRPs will do this. Otherwise, people don't know what they're applying for or what to expect. [/quote] Building off of this I think a few additional details would really help out a lot. From the title we know the starting year, but points of divergence and degrees of divergence are another matter: "How grounded in real history is this supposed to be" is helped out a lot by these. I think there's a place for minimalism and "building as you go", but as this is I think it's really benefit from a few more details to help everyone just get started.