I'll just re-submit the same characters as last time. I was pretty happy with them. [hider=Timothy Thorne - Team Stratos Recruit] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ff/f5/0c/fff50caf5f29803733f8e69feb18252a.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Timothy Thorne [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] Timothy is a little on the short side at only 5’ 6” but makes up for that with an abundance of energy instead. He is physically fit, believing that a trainer must work as hard as their Pokémon and lead by example to succeed. His pale skin is contrasted by his black hair and equally dark eyes; brown, but a shade so dark they appear black at a glance. In terms of clothing he prefers things that are touch and durable, so as to last a while on the road; the only exception to this is his muffler, a red and black scarf given to him by someone important. [b]Personality:[/b] In a nutshell, you could describe Timothy as a hot-headed youth with a chip on his shoulder; energetic and boisterous, he is someone with a lot of passion whose quick temper can often get the better of him. His passion serves him well when it drives him to put effort into a task or when he needs to overcome setbacks, but has also served to alienate him from his peers due to the number of fights he has gotten into with them. This has led him to become intensely loyal to those who have stuck by him in turn, which for the most part is just his Pokémon; should he make other friends they too will be able to always count on him to take their side, right or wrong. [b]Background:[/b] Growing up in Plutus town, famous for being the home of the illustrious Professor Cypress’ lab, Timothy was constantly exposed to the opinion that Dragon-type Pokémon were the best ever; an opinion that Timothy didn’t really share. It wasn’t like he disliked dragons, he just didn’t have the same enthusiasm and reverence for them that the rest of the Kaida region seemed to have for them and that often led to him getting into arguments as a child; kids will argue about anything after all and Timothy was always someone to let his temper get the better of him. Like many young boys, Timothy wanted to become a trainer. Unlike most, he grew up in the same town as a genuine Professor of Pokémon and as such could have had the opportunity of receiving a rare and powerful starter to begin his journey with a head start. Unfortunately, the professor in question was just as dragon-obsessed as the rest of the region and the only starters he offered were Dragon-types. After years of stubbornly defending the idea that dragons were overrated, his pride wouldn’t let him accept a Dragon-type as a starter. Instead he saved up his money to buy a Pokéball, went into the woods on the outskirts of town and caught himself a Pokémon of his own. With his own starter Pokémon in tow, he set out on his own to become a trainer, aiming to defeat all eight overseers and make it to the top of Mt Calagon without a single Dragon-type Pokémon on his team just to prove a point. So far, it hasn’t gone well. Becoming a trainer was harder than he expected and the Pokémon he caught was young and not particularly strong at first. Despite leaving home a full year ago, he is barely in the same league as a trainer just starting their journey and has only managed to catch a single other Pokémon. He has yet to challenge the first overseer and currently doesn’t feel like he would stand much of a chance against them even if he did. Things have been getting better recently however, as not too longer ago he met up with someone who told him about a group of people who had opinions similar to himself; people who disliked the dragon-revering culture of the Kaida region as much, if not more than he did. They, like him, wanted to reach Mt Calagon so that they could change people’s opinions and were willing to sponsor trainers like himself to do just that if they joined their group. Now that he has joined Team Stratos, Timothy thinks that things are going to start turning around for him. [hider=Pokémon] Houndour Yamper [/hider] [/hider]