[h3]Giselle de Farry[/h3][i]Undead Princess, de Farry[/i] [hr] Giselle hadn’t counted on the paladin seizing the blade of her scythe entirely, nor did she expect the metallic construction of her weapon to [i]corrode[/i]. She allowed herself a small grimace before she reacted. If her constructs, even once converted from blood could still be tainted by holy light, then she was weak indeed. Even if so, that didn’t matter now, when her compatriots helped her take the paladin to task around her. She took care to pull back, ripping the blade of her scythe from its hands with a twist, doing nasty things to the paladin’s hands with its cutting edge, as Aleksiya’s spears and Dragan’s war hammer did equally devastating damage to the undead beings. Yet they still lived. The white-haired vampire reengaged the paladin as he lunged towards her, just as Illena’s nightmarish shadows began to wrap around him, restraining him and giving Giselle the perfect opening to deal a crippling blow to the undead paladin. She would thank her later. For now, she would simply crash down upon its exposed head and chest with a downwards slash of her scythe. If she were given the opportunity, she would twist the weapon immediately upwards for a combo, before kicking herself away to reassess the situation. Giselle had noted Dragan’s temporary distress, but she knew enough of the vampire lord to be confident in his recovery.