Rose and Dimitri begin walking into the ball together, one behind the other. Dimitri always in the rear since he was the tallest of the twins and wanted to keep a close eye on his sister. You could say it was almost instinct to them even if they were both after the same get the throne by being chosen, or by marriage. Rose looks back at her brother before point out everyone they recognize looking to see what they are getting themselves into. This party is all about the best impressions after all. Who would they choose to talk to first. They figured if anything, Victor would be decent conversation while Rose went to find other girls to talk to or check out for other people outside of the royal family on what they plan to do when the next heir is announced. Some are happy some are livid with the choice. Dimitri takes this chance waking over to Victor placing a hand on his shoulder. "Sorry I'm late. Rose was hard to convince to come tonight. You know how she is at parties." He says gesturing over to her walking around the room not speaking to anyone.