Kitty paused for a moment, right she was younger than Luke. It'd be foolish to think he'd like her at all in the same way. People would find it disgusting, gross, and very wrong if they dated now. She sighed. Luke was like those fantasy boys she'd read in books.... Unable to obtain. [color=00a99d]"Dating him nice but you're right.... It'd be weird at this moment. Besides, he probably just sees me as a sibling or something."[/color] She felt heartbroken, any guy she liked was either fictional, far older than her, or thought of her as a freak. The girl didnt even want to tell Luke about her feelings now that she was fully realizing the full picture. Being rejected would hurt even more. He would probably laugh, pity her, and move on. [color=fff79a]"Aw Kitty....hey its alright. I mean you dont have to say anything. Just keep it to yourself."[/color] Fable says, feeling bad that her friend was now in a bad spot. [color=fff79a]"Sometimes its better kept inside than out in the open, ya know?"[/color] She nodded and looked away. [color=00a99d]"Im not feeling it anymore.... You two have fun in here. I....I need a moment."[/color] The ginger haired girl left the forest, putting the sword back in the armory before going to sit alone by the lake. Hoping that she wouldn't get bothered by anyone.