[center][h3]Fingers[/h3][/center] There were two big problems with his evening: the heat and the apartment. It was a scorcher tonight, although that’s not a new thing for Night City. It made his optics suboptimal, but they were still working. More importantly, he got called to help the crew flatline some choob who snatched a chip off the wrong Militech’s suit. Days like this make him nearly miss TTI. At least they had air conditioning, plus decent life insurance. Still, this was infinitely more exciting than waiting to help some suit who wandered into a turf war. 20/20 hindsight’s a bitch, but it’s better here than a megacorp. Fingers started pacing around while Jorick dialed Top Gun. It gave him a chance to think. On the one hand, assuming they all live, this’ll be the biggest payday of their lives. On the other hand, the choob’s apparently chromed to high heaven, and the goons outside the apartment didn’t seem like decorations. The odds seemed in their favor, which was rarely true. This could easily blow up in their faces, possibly in a literal sense if Rex ended up being psycho. It wasn’t exactly comforting to think about, so he didn’t linger on it. Better to think of the here and now. What Zen said made Fingers almost stumble. It was almost funny how ready she was to ice people. Almost. [color=SeaGreen]”Fumigating the place is a waste of ammo and time; I can see through walls. The only flatlines that matter in those apartments are Rex and the choobs up front. Everything else is gonna come out of our paycheck.”[/color] He had the usual equipment for this job. A med bag slung on his shoulder, a fresh Kevlar vest under his shirt, Slide at his hip, and the cure in the bag, just in case. Troy was almost jealous of the Doc’s iron. All of it looked pristine, and also meant he had some TTI chooms. Lucky. However, Zen’s iron was something more worn, but clearly reliable. Then again, all that cyberware was probably enough to widen the gap. Speaking of cyberware… Troy stopped pacing and looked at Zen and Jorick. [color=SeaGreen]”Can you ask Top Gun about his chrome? I might salvage some when we’re done, assuming it’s worth a few eddies.”[/color]