[quote=@Lewascan2] A thought occurs: The Nutcracker certainly doesn't seem like the sort of tale to be classified as a Legend. Which makes me wonder about Eins... She seems self-depreciating about being a "mere Legend" according to Stripes's POV, and rereading her own post doesn't make the Tabby's conclusion seem inaccurate. Pair that with Eins's warnings to students about using her Tuning for the pursuit of power... [i]Dons tin-foil hat.[/i] It makes me speculate that Eins used her own Grimoire on itself to seek greater heights and was punished for her folly. She became a "Legend", but a false Legend in the end. Thus, she has an inferiority complex over her status. [/quote] You are on to something there. It's not 100% what happened to her but it's close.