[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/334896275868876800/765009088026771536/Rivka2.png[/img] [img]https://img.wattpad.com/65082ef6b34fa9ca421b835f6c7b74644fe8a225/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f55577a62306e6255746f764e56413d3d2d3933383337313039392e313632633135613061356536353234643331323435393839323634352e676966[/img][/center] [hr] [color=7e5e7f][i]owwwww.[/i][/color] Catching Crystal, in the end, was the last thing Rivka needed to concern herself with. Which in her opinion was fortunate; Crystal was safe, and so was Rivka. That didn't mean she was [i]comfortable[/i]. Landing, while carrying a second person, was so far from an exact science that she couldn't even glimpse the far side of that gulf. Fortunately it took no amount of brainpower— and more than a little talent— to simply generate a force in the opposite direction. Even so landing on rubble, with Crystal landing on her, wasn't exactly a feather bed. And the weather still sucked. Their success was too potent for her to stay grumpy for very long, however, especially once she was in out of the rain. A hot shower and pajamas furthered the improvement, but time didn't help with her back. Actually she felt [i]worse[/i] as the adrenaline faded and her body had time to register the impacts she had so rudely imposed upon it. But did her nervous system meet halfway her attempts to make it feel better? Noooooo. And aspirin was proving frustratingly elusive. It probably wouldn't help, anyway. The lilac-haired girl was sprawled on her bed, eyes half closed, and trying to negotiate with her aches and pains. Maybe, if she asked very nicely, she could get a massage from the tsa— [i]dah dah dah dah dum[/i] Her phone vibrated with the five beat sequence of a fondly remembered movie. It wasn't quite fair to call the answering noise Rivka made a grumble, but only just shy. [i]dah dah dah dah dum[/i] The second time she did grumble, stretching her arm out to grab the offending device and check her messages. >no rumors here. only painkiller deprivation. >i should have tried to send a missile back.