“[color=skyblue]Mm! Good choice, I [i]love[/i] how they do salmon here. You know, you’d think with us being about as far from the water as you could get, it wouldn’t taste as fresh as it does, but, here we are.[/color]” Her phone buzzed, and she checked it to find Besca had gotten back to her. -[i][color=gray]something came up cant come down for lunch sorry :( :( tell Quinn i said hi and will see her tonight. think dinner ! youre treat ? ;)[/color][/i]- Dahlia frowned, and sent back a quick: -[i][color=skyblue]What happened?[/color][/i]- -[i][color=gray]*your[/color][/i]- -[i][color=gray]casoban junk. wouldve been done but they brought eusero in and now its a whole thing.[/color][/i]- -[i][color=gray]*it’s[/color][/i]- “[color=skyblue]Besca got caught up in work,[/color]” Dahlia said, setting her phone down on the table and showing the texts to Quinn. Transparency had been another important point to make; she didn’t keep secrets from Quinn, even little ones, if she could help it. “[color=skyblue]Guess it’s just you and me today. What do you wanna do after this? We should try to squeeze in another session before dinner, but anything on your plate besides?[/color]” There was, actually, but nothing exactly urgent. She had a check-in evaluation scheduled with Doctor Follen for [i]“this week”[/i], but there were still days left. She was also expected to log in a few more hours in the sim rooms, but having yet to draw her Savior’s weapon—or name it, really—there wasn’t much to do there that she couldn’t do in practice on the ground. Both were options—both could be put off. She had the rest of lunch to make that decision.