Mina was wandering off inside the forest, ignoring the pleas of her partner to come to her senses and return to the dorm. “[color=0054a6]Leave me alone.[/color]” Mina yelled out while walking deeper into the forest. “[b]It was just a friendly duel Mina, there was nothing of stake to it?[/b]” This made Mina turn around to retort, “[color=0054a6]Everyone in the dorm saw our duel, and how I was humiliated. So it was quite a huge deal.[/color]” Her dog like spiritual partner thought at first that Mina was overrating, but remembered her past and how that shaped Mina’s behaviour. Her partner could only try to calm her down. “[b]Well, I thought you need very well in that duel. I think you are still the best.[/b]” He watched as Mina was now sitting down underneath a tree. Feeling like if he said anything more to try and calm her down, it would only make her more agitated. All he could do now was lay down beside Mina. This was a common occurrence, where her partner would comfort her when she would lose a duel. Mostly he would do this every time her parents would abuse her for losing.