The salmon was [i]really[/i] good. That one would get penciled down on her mental docket—and then her actual physical journal later—as one to come back to. The yuzu soda was good too, if a little odd. Kind of like sparkling water and lemonade with maybe a little grapefruit? She'd found so far she absolutely hated grapefruit, but if something that tasted like it could be good then it couldn't be all bad, right? They talked for the rest of lunch. Little things, meaningless things. Quinn talked about her favorite spots on the Aerie so far. Dahlia listened, then responded with suggestions of other places she'd like. Favorite foods came up too, Dahlia's firm preferences and Quinn's ever-evolving palate. As they wrapped up, Quinn's phone started to vibrate. That was one of her reminder alarms. Perfect timing, wasn't it? She slipped it out of her pocket, turning it off and taking a deep breath. Then she hopped up, sneakers squeaking a little against the lacquered floor. "[color=FFE63D]That's my cue, I think. Sorry to cut lunch a little short![/color]" Slurping down the last of her water, she jogged towards the entrance, waving at the head chef as she passed out from under the lamplit ceiling. He waved back, smiling widely. [i]Why don't you ever smile?[/i] he'd asked her a week or so ago. She didn't really know how to answer him why she'd stopped smiling. It just didn't feel right anymore. Her jog carried her out of the commons and out towards medical. Over the past few weeks she'd started to learn her way around the labyrinthine interior of the Aerie, and now she could find her way pretty easily without checking for signs everywhere. But of all the places she went, the medical wing was probably her [i]least[/i] favorite. Her flashbacks had steadily decreased with the course of time. But if there was anything most likely to trigger them, it was probably the sterile smell of those clean white hallways. As she entered, she slowed to a quick walk so as not to get in anybody's way. A few courteous nods greeted her, but she hadn't really gotten to know any of the medical staff. Well, with the exception of Doctor Follen, obviously. Speaking of, his office was right in front of her. Through the window she saw him bent over his desk, looking over some papers. It was admirable, she thought, how seriously she took his work. If Dahlia was her sister and Besca was—well, she supposed he was a bit like an uncle, right? She opened the door with a careful touch, rap-tap-tapping her hand on the jamb as she walked in, footsteps suddenly muffled on the cream-colored carpeting. Just like that first horrible day, this office always made her feel a little safer, a little more at ease. And his smile, even moreso. "[color=FFE63D]Hey, Doctor Follen![/color]"