Zara watched as the man walked back out front after giving her an ultimatum. Be physically touched by strange men who seemed to have it in their heads that they owned her body, or be unemployed? It wasn't some mere exchange of words, some idiotic banter that the man had stated. It was a full on physical touching of her body. He had smacked her ass. She was opening her mouth to say something when her partner spoke up to distract her thoughts and put a positive spin on it. Shaking her head in response "no, I do not need this job. I do not need some perverted old men touching my ass and making their intentions clear." She folded her arms across her chest as she stared at the doorway that Pinocchio had walked through. She had enough guys take from her what they felt they deserved and she was putting her foot down now. No more was she going to be at the beck and call of some drunken horny man who couldn't find a valid lover to save their life. Finally her green eyes moved from the doorway towards Issac as a small smile spread across her face. He was still willing to take her to a more secure location. "Liberty Point does sound like a better option. Diamond backs shouldn't be there, and if they are, they may not be members that know my face." She told him softly, putting the rags down beside the sink before washing her hands off. "Simply nodded off while being chased down? Now that sounds like someone who is keen to end up below the dirt. Though I must admit, I got a decent sleep last night as well. Knowing I wasn't going to be grabbed, yelled at or killed in my sleep made it more comforting. I'm glad you were able to sleep. After noon would have been nice, prevented this whole thing and maybe even got to head out today. But alas, as you said, them's the breaks. I slept in the barracks last night, but I won't be given such niceties tonight. Where do you tend to kick up your heels when you're here?" She inquired curiously, drying her hands off. She'd tell Pinocchio that she'd take her earned wages and be off. This wasn't the job for her after all. The work was tedious and soul crushing, but to have to deal with the pervy men on top of it was enough to make her ill. Heading out from the back room, she waved to Pinocchio to indicate she had made up her mind. "Pay me and I'll be off. Thank you for the opportunity and the hours, I just can not see myself being okay with hands touching me. Words and banter are one thing, physical touch is another." She explained to him, extending her hand for her caps.