"[color=FFE63D]Chasing? I...wouldn't say that, not really. It's not threatening me either. I guess I don't really feel the need to escape. It's...how do I put it...[/color]" She swallowed. Doctor Follen didn't usually stop the pen unless something was happening that was of particular import. She hoped he'd take what she said at face value. It was such an instinctual feeling in her dreams, even when [color=black]Quinnlash[/color] wasn't there, that it was difficult to explain once she got down to it. "[color=FFE63D]It's more like...there's something else in my head with me. And it wants to push its feelings and emotions [i]into[/i] mine. Sometimes it bleeds a little too, and it's hard to tell where it ends and I start. But I don't know if it really [i]wants[/i] something. It feels like she's just...studying me.[/color]" "[color=FFE63D]I've been sleeping well, though,[/color]" she added hastily. "[color=FFE63D]The last time I woke up screaming was almost two and a half weeks ago now.[/color]" She wasn't sure whether that was because she was beginning to settle into RISC proper, or because of the hauntingly beautiful dreams that she could never quite remember. She could [i]feel[/i] a sudden surge of disgust for Doctor Follen bubble out from nowhere and she stiffened. [i][color=FFE63D]No,[/color] [/i] she begged, [i][color=ffe63d]please not now.[/color][/i] And besides...she [i]liked[/i] Doctor Follen. What reason did [color=black]Quinnlash[/color] possibly have to tear through the front of her head so suddenly? She shook her head. [color=black]She[/color] was probably being skittish. [color=black]She[/color] did have a tendency to overreact to things a lot. [i][color=ffe63d]Don't worry, he's a friend. We can trust him![/color][/i] She didn't know if [color=black]Quinnlash[/color] could hear her. She hoped [color=black]she[/color] could.