[color=6ecff6][b][h3]Reverio Galand[/h3][/b][/color] A path of escape had revealed itself, hidden behind a bookcase, which the grimoire had guided him towards. It filled him with relief, he had not given much thoughts on how he would take his leave of the library. Perhaps he had planned to be caught? Perhaps it was just folly to worry about it, because no matter where he would be, the same thoughts would come back to remind him of his uselessness. He had to live a life of worth in some manner of way to make it up to his brother, even if it meant going down a dark path in order to get to the light that was always just out of reach. While to others he seemed to wield the light itself, yet as much as one is blind in the dark, so can one be blinded in the light. Perhaps there would be no salvation for him. Perhaps he was forever doomed to feel miserable and helpless to change the world around him. No. He had to try. [color=ed1c24][b]"Good. Now make haste and let us get out of here..." [/b][/color]The grimoire worded in a satisfied manner, but upon noticing that his wielder didn't move it begged the question as to why? [color=ed1c24][b]"What is the matter boy?!"[/b][/color] The book asked in a hurried manner. [color=6ecff6][b]"Someone else is here... Oh! It's a pretty young lady.."[/b][/color] Reverio blinked as he first heard footsteps, and then spotted a whitehaired girl, who also seemed to notice him. But she didn't let her gaze linger long on him, thus Reverio felt at ease. She was definitely not part of the library staff or were here to stop him. [color=6ecff6][b]"Uhm.. greetings? I did not expect to see anyone else down here. You really should be careful down here, it isn't safe. Are you lost?"[/b][/color] Reverio strode back towards the centre of the chamber, still holding unto the grimoire which was now swearing and cursing at him. Reverio gently pressed the book's covers together to shut it up. [color=6ecff6][i]'She's not part of the library staff. She must have gotten in here thinking it was the bathroom?'[/i][/color] The male thought. Or did the young woman accidently think this was a part of the library too, seeing him enter the place but missing his tinkering with the wardings? That meant she was his responsibility. He couldn't let her fall into harms way, especially not if the library staff would be far off, they would possibly think it was her. No, that just wouldn't have to do. She was coming with them. [color=6ecff6][i]'This is like that story my brother used to tell me about saving damsels.. this is definitely a helpless and clueless damsel. Maybe abit too much... did some trap affect her mind?'[/i][/color] The blonde readied himself up to deal with the situation, swallowing deeply before he walked up and tried to quickly hold her hand. "We need to leave this place, it's dangerous- This way!" He said with a pleading voice that urged action. [color=ed1c24][b]"If you don't get moving we are all going to hell! Grab the misplaced harlot and get a move on!"[/b][/color] The book said in a worried voice which only an old grimoire could utter. [color=6ecff6][b]"Language!"[/b][/color] Reverio protested. [@Lewascan2]