[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5SbkpoYm10c2FXNGdVM1J2Ym1WNS4w/my.scars.webp[/img][/center] [hr][hider=Status] Health: [color=lime]Fine[/color] Insanity Score: - [/hider] [hider=Inventory] [list] [*] [url=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/616dcwVC9eL._AC_SL1500_.jpg]Smart Phone[/url] [*] [url=https://www.asgmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/decoy-wallet.jpg]Wallet w/ worn family picture [/url] [*] [url=https://cf.shopee.ph/file/e98a8930c9b1323628c3d84ac9122394]First Aid Kit [/url] [/list] [/hider][hr] Franklin had been standing at the observation deck for what he assumed to be nearly two hours now. Hands placed atop the aged and mossy cement divider as he stared vacantly to the lake and of the legendary town of Silent Hill. The chilly Maine breeze barely phasing him as it blew at his back. As if trying to goad him closer to the town. He'd left Brahms a little while ago to cool off after having a heated argument with Eris regarding topics about his late father. His father. The passing thought causes the man to scowl deeply and grip the divider tightly. It had been twenty years since he was saved from and rid of that vile excuse of a human being...and now he had to die. Not only that, but have the balls to request Franklin to attend his funeral and the audacity to be buried beside his mother? No. Not now. Not in his lifetime. NOT EVER. [b]"Fuck...Even after dying, that piece of shit still finds a way to make me suffer. Typical."[/b] He mutters under his breath quietly as he finally decides to step away from the divider. But just as he pushes himself away from the divider and take his car keys out of his pocket a magpie swoops in and causes the meek man to flinch and drop his keys, much to his annoyance; made worse by the fact that the thieving bird took the opportunity flew away with his keys deeper into the woods. [b]"Great job Franklin, you jumpy klutz. You got robbed by a bird."[/b] He berated himself as he chased after the bird. A brief jog later and he was still hot on the trail of the thieving bird until he hit the security fence, almost literally. He grumbled to himself as he could see the bird fly further into the decrepit skyline of Silent Hill but not far enough for him to loose sight of it. He was about ready to give up and turn back and call for Triple A when he saw a gap in the fence big enough for him to squeeze through. He really wanted to just cut his losses and head back to Brahms...but something was making him go onward despite it being a terrible decision. Upon reaching the other side of the fence he heard a voice call out in the distance. "KAL!!! KALI, COME!" Thinking that a state patrol had seen him, ran and hid behind a dumpster while he waited for a minute. Then five. Then ten. Once he was sure that the 'patrol officer' had left, he finally gets to his senses and decides that paying 140 dollars for a towing service didn't sound bad after all. But as fate would have it, upon returning to the way he entered, the way was gone. [b]"There was a hole here...it's gone now."[/b] Franklin held his head in disbelief as he tried to look at the fence from different angles to no avail. He could try to swim past the fence but with how little he worn and the chill of Maine, that could easily spell his demise by hypothermia. If he tried to climb over, he'd get badly cut up by the rusted razor and barbed wire. [b]"Great. Franklin you colossal moron. You shouldn't have gone in. Now you're stuck in this ghost town."[/b] The man laid his head on the chain linked security fence in frustration. [b]"Ok. New plan. Find a way out of this place before I get arrested or worse."[/b]