[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PLyfcLV.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wPyT7ht.png[/img][/center] [color=E77298]Time:[/color]11am [color=E77298]Location:[/color] Shooting Range [color=E77298]Attire:[/color][url=i.imgur.com/ngEDMGH.jpg]Dress[/url] [color=E77298]Interaction:[/color][@Rodiak] Zarai [@Lava Alckon] Farim [hr] [color=E77298]"Oh I'd love to go shopping! But if you want to go swim in the lake first, we're already here. It'll be quiet I am sure since it's early-"[/color] Anastasia excitedly had begun her reply only for Sir Barrios to shoot down her hopes and dreams. The palace? She had forgotten her brothers were meeting with possible marriage prospects today. Her mother had tried to talk her into doing the same thing, but she would not have it. And as always, she seemed to be able to get away with not attending such whereas her brothers simply could not. It had not dawned on her that Zarai could be interested in any of them, so Zarai's initial answers were no surprise. Anastasia whirled on Sir Barrios in her usual emotionally charged reaction.[color=E77298]"She is hardly a child. If she does not want to attend then certainly you should obey Lady Zarai Lesdeman. Does her word not carry any weight to you? She is a lady!"[/color] She then frowned at the sudden change in Zarai's expression. A smile of submission. She squeezed her hand as Zarai took it. [color=93a477]"As soon as I am done, I will go find you, I promise. Sir Barrios will take me straight to you once the court is done, and then we can stuff our face with all of the cake we can find."[/color] Anastasia pouted at Sir Barrios for a moment longer before looking at her, [color=E77298]"Well if you must. I suppose if you are able to seduce one of my brothers then at least we'd get to live together, right?"[/color] A smile crossed her face, [color=E77298]"You'll find me at the park over there."[/color] She leaned and whispered, [color=E77298]"And please don't mind Wulfric, [i]he is an enigma[/i]. Feel free to prank him."[/color] [color=E77298]"I'll be going to the park. Maybe I'll see you guys there!"[/color] Anastasia informed her other company at the table. Wystan seemed keen to follow as Zarai had directed and guard her silently along with Wulfric's guards, so there was nothing she could quite do about the entourage that followed her. The last thing she wanted to do was go back to the castle right now and face her parents. Or worse, [i]run into Darryn.[/i] As they arrived at the park, she was greeted by amazing smells. [color=E77298][i]That's right. There's a festival! The food smells so good. Oh, there are games! This is great. Maybe Wystan and I...[/i][/color] She glanced over to see Wystan and the other guards moving off to the side. They clearly were not going to let her leave their sight but seemed willing to give her space. Was she grateful for that? Anastasia felt a familiar feeling of loneliness fill her gut and became quite distracted as the emotions she shut in plagued her once again. [color=E77298][i]Maybe Zarai didn't want to hang out with me...Will she even come back? If I am a mistake in my own family, why shouldn't others see me the same? It's not like I hold any purpose. Oh, but after such an awful morning I really do not want to self-pity like this...It's so pathetic. Maybe I just need to cheer myself up. I need to do something exciting or maybe I just need to do drugs or- [/i][/color] As she had been in her mind, the notion that she had been walking across the grass was completely missed. She walked right into someone without realizing it. She had stepped right into his back and stumbled, nearly losing her balance. [color=E77298]"Oh! ...Hi! Sorry!"[/color] Her reality snapped back into place and she took in the sight of the man before her. [color=E77298][i]Oh I remember him. He was there this morning. I think he said his name was Farim. [/i][/color] To the surprise of most, sometimes even herself as she had viewed herself as unintelligent, Anastasia actually had a very reliable memory. [color=E77298]"Got a little lost in my head there. Really sorry!"[/color] Anastasia gave him a smile. The last thing she wanted to do was screw up relations with the Alidasht even more. [color=E77298]"Hope I didn't hurt you. I was thinking a lot which is a bad idea clearly."[/color] [color=E77298][i]Shoot. Is he mad? I can save this.[/i][/color] [color=E77298]"Did you know that you have a very soft shirt?"[/color]