The silence grated against her ears, and she suddenly realized that everybody was staring. She managed to resist shrinking back and away, but only barely. Her finger twisted into the hem of the long black shirt that hung from her and held it tight. Then the fork slamming down split through the silence, and she jumped enough to knock her head on the backrest of her seat with a [i]bonk[/i]. She hissed in a breath with a wince as Roaki continued talking. And the more she said, the more bile spat from her mouth, the deeper Quinn's brow creased. Her teeth clenched, and [color=black]Quinnlash's[/color] anger tore through her like a purgative, setting her veins alight before collecting in her eye, a cinder ready to catch fire. "[color=ec008c]So why the fuck is Runa here? Didn’t you guys just get mulched?[/color]" The fire flared once more, white hot and brilliant. But before it could ignite, the image of blood turned black by night running through streets lit with firelight and a boiling moon sheared down through it. A wave of dull grief sloughed over her, and the ember dimmed, then died. She slumped back into her seat. "[color=FFE63D]Mhmm,[/color]" she droned, voice steady now, but dull and dead. "[color=FFE63D]A whole town. Which was my home, I guess.[/color]" She knuckled at her eye, pushing the tears back before they had any chance to glimmer. "[color=FFE63D]I'm the only one left.[/color]"