[hr] [center][h2][color=FFFFFF]F[/color][color=C2B280]ields of Fire: You Are Either With Us Or In The Way[/color][/h2] (Present)[/center] [hr] Location: [color=C2B280]Battle at the foot of Mount Errant Mood: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP-gQxn6hh0&list=PLIPU6gWYNHZKXPla0VUVxDr17qtuveo48&index=7]”Stand Up” by Greg Dombrowski[/url] Interaction: Hildr [@jasbraq] Current Event: [color=C2B280]Fields of Fire[/color] [color=FFFFFF][i]Where would they seek refuge against a beast covering the sky?[/i][/color] [color=CBC3E3]“To the north!”[/color] Shouted his dear friend Sir Maerec of Solenne,[color=CBC3E3] “there are caves at the bottom of the mountains where we can take shelter!”[/color] He galloped in on horseback, stalwart as ever to the people of Parrench. There was a depth to his confidence in the orders he gave, a level of confidence that had not yet been witnessed; something within Maerec was changing. Caelum believed it would be for the better of Perrence, [color=FFFFFF]“Great plan Maerec!”[/color] Caelum shouted acknowledging the caves as a worthy effort to strive for. There was a sliver of hope. The caves were a great idea. Maerec continued to hasten the people's collective activity to organize, [color=CBC3E3]“if we get everyone to mount up, we can ride there quickly. It isn’t far from here.”[/color] As Maerec rallied, the beaten Eskandr woman approached him. Caelum nearly stepped in to send Hildr off her feet before she tried anything stupid. She wrapped her dirty little Eskandr paws around Maerec, expressing a point that Arsene heard to be cowardly. Caelum agreed, [color=FFFFFF]“Arsene’s right.”[/color] He paused to give his words time to grab Hildr’s attention, [color=FFFFFF]“You chose to follow a man into this war, a man who brutally killed hundreds of innocence, a man you chose to champion against our faithful Camille, a man who left you to die with us against the very thing his people helped unleash.”[/color] As he spoke, Caelum approached Hildr inch by inch,[color=FFFFFF] “The difference between Camille and you, between Maerec and you, between Arsene and you, between you and our Queen and her people, is…”[/color] He stood only feet from Hildr, [color=FFFFFF]“we do not follow a man, we follow our faith and our faith will not stand by allowing a Dragon to claim innocent lives.”[/color] Caelum gently placed his heavy hand on her shoulder as she did to Maerec to remind her she was not above here or anywhere close. It was a reminder of who she was talking to, [color=FFFFFF]“Because even one of those innocent lives is worth a hundred of yours and mine, so before you thoughtlessly talk down to a knight who understands their duty and oath, take a second, and ask yourself, do you even remember why you are fighting?”[/color] He stared into Hildr’s eyes with firmness, faith, and a warm sense of compassion, [color=FFFFFF]“We do.”[/color] Caelum looked at his fellow Parrenchmen and back to Hildr, [color=FFFFFF]"it is not too late for you to find your faith"[/color]. He could feel she was scared; they all were to some degree, but this next fight called on everyone to believe in each other, [color=FFFFFF]“You are either with us, Hildr, to protect those who cannot protect themselves, or you are in the way…we cannot have your truth waver here…can we trust you to fight with us, can we place our faith in you to be better?”[/color] Caelum just proclaimed to her the value of their faith, and to offer it to her was something he’d hoped she’d see clearly as a meaningful sign to join them in the fight. The sound of the dragon roared in the distance. It appeared that it found more steam to rear back for another assault of flames. It was a good thing people already began moving. It’d be up to the Parrench knights to keep it at a distance until they reached the caves. [/color] [hider=summary] [list] [*] Maerec's return answers Caelum's prayer. [*] Caelum agrees with Arsene and approaches Hildr. [*] Caelum asks Hildr a simple question, "are you with us?" [*] The dragon begins approaching off in the distance again to throw more fire at Parrench faces. [/list] [/hider]