[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] Self-improvement, then? It was a worthy goal, especially as she had herself been worrying about the skill level the current knights presented. It was a good goal... but that didn't make it any less distracting for Gerard to be flinging himself up and down the length of the courtyard almost as soon as they had gotten back. Tyaethe leant against the door frame, thinking about this for a moment. "While I cannot disagree that your individual abilities could do with improvement, one such as Jeremiah should have been easily handled," she said, a thoughtful expression crossing her face, "How, exactly, do you propose to leverage running back and forth down the courtyard to assist you in this? Was it your endurance that was in question when fighting against him?" The vampire looked away, down towards the end of the courtyard where the chapel and its adjoining gardens could be found, "I can't claim much experience with physical improvement, but I don't see how this exercise relates to the problem you're facing. If you were running through the city, at least obstacle avoidance and your reactions would be tested. If you were focusing on your strength or technique, that would directly help. But what does running earn yourself?" The vampire also gave him an amused smile, "I've also been led to believe over the years that physical growth can't come without rest. Travel rations and the length of a day's journey are hardly the best, so at least recover from the journey before starting on the exertion. The library has enough manuals and handwritten notes over the years if you wish to learn some less-standard skills." [@HereComesTheSnow]