[NPC Secondaries] [hider=Maura Mercador] [center][h3][color=C0C0C0]Maura Mercador[/color][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/7TzeQnh.png[/img] [color=E87722]“Life is a Magus, Spend it wisely.”[/color] [b][color=C0C0C0]14[/color] [color=E87722]|[/color] [color=C0C0C0]Female[/color] [color=E87722]|[/color] [color=C0C0C0]Torragon[/color] [color=E87722]|[/color] [color=C0C0C0]Merchant[/color] [color=E87722]|[/color][color=C0C0C0] RAS: 5.72, [i]Tethered?[/i][/color][/b][/center] [color=C0C0C0][b]Associations:[/b][/color] [color=E87722][indent]❖ Biro, Ersand'Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy ❖ Torragon ❖ Mercador Trading Company[/indent][/color][color=C0C0C0][b]The Gift:[/b][/color] [color=E87722][indent]❖ [ [color=FF8C00][b]Arcane:[/b][/color] [color=FFFFFF][i]specialism[/i][/color] ] – [ [color=FFFFFF]0. Neophyte[/color] ] - Not trained. ❖ [ [color=FF0000][b]Binding:[/b][/color] [color=FFFFFF][i]specialism[/i][/color] ] – [ [color=FFFFFF]II. Apprentice[/color] ] - Maura has experience of using binding in the use of impromptu construction and when it comes to assessing materials. ❖ [ [color=BA55D3][b]Chemical:[/b][/color] [color=FFFFFF][i]specialism[/i][/color] ] – [ [color=FFFFFF]I. Novice[/color] ] - Maura uses for the assessment of materials. ❖ [ [color=0072bc][b]Kinetic:[/b][/color] [color=FFFFFF][i]specialism[/i][/color] ] – [ [color=FFFFFF]I. Novice[/color] ] - Maura uses kinectic to support in moving her rollerchair. ❖ [ [color=FFD700][b]Magnetic:[/b][/color] [color=FFFFFF][i]specialism[/i][/color] ] – [ [color=FFFFFF]I. Novice[/color] ] - Maura uses for the assessment of metals and alloys. [/indent][/color] [color=C0C0C0][b]Description:[/b][/color] [color=E87722][i]Cripple. Invalid. Tethered.[/i] These are generally the three words that are guaranteed to come up in any conversation about Maura Mercador. Despite what people may profess, they are only fixated on the outside appearance. These are the rules we live by in society. It is highly convenient to categorise based on appearance alone. In a world where binders can fix every bone and alchemists seem to have a tincture for every ailment, what is the role for someone who cannot be ‘fixed’ ? [i]Smart, Charming, Funny.[/i] Wouldn’t it be nice for these three things to be discussed instead. The warm smile she gives when you enter the room. The quip about the latest gossip which gives you stitches in your sides. The fact Maura is frequently at her desk, accounting for a trading company diligently at such a young age. [i]Beautiful, Fashionable, Sociable.[/i] Maura takes great pride in her appearance, sometimes appearing pristine as if she was a perfect sculptured doll. Adorned in jewellery, dresses, and eyebrows on fleek, it is rumoured she had an influence on Ayla’s wardrobe to make the girls erratic choices work. When it comes to friendships, how many merchants can say they have the genuine friendship and ear of a high noble house, or in this case, the Arslan family. This is a prosperous and mutually beneficial relationship that has helped both profit from the trading from Varrahasta. [i]Ambitious, Calculating, Underestimated.[/i] Beneath the warm exterior is a driven girl, one who has her goals and the means to carry them out. Often overlooked due to her being ‘disabled’, people fail to realise disability is a product of one's environment, not inherent to the individual. Because she may struggle to walk up stairs doesn’t mean her other abilities are similarly impaired, and when she isn’t encountering a flight of stairs, neither is she. Realising one's place in your environment is a powerful weapon for adapting, and Maura is going to the top. [i]Resourceful, Self-Aware, Risk-taker.[/i] Maura aims to take over the family business and further its expansion. A goal to secure monopolies in certain trade goods could catapult the Mercador family to the heights of the West Severan trading company. Due to political tension, she has suggested diverting resources to building links with neutral nations such as Enth to weather the storm of war and take advantage of the power vacuums that would be left behind in its wake.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Oksana Levlytsar][center][h3][color=dcf3ff]Oksana Levlytsar[/color][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/enhGoQg.png[/img] [color=547cd3]“Nothing is quieter than Snow.”[/color] [b][color=dcf3ff]17[/color] [color=547cd3]|[/color] [color=dcf3ff]Female[/color] [color=547cd3]|[/color] [color=dcf3ff]Vossoriya[/color] [color=547cd3]|[/color] [color=dcf3ff]Kozaky[/color] [color=547cd3]|[/color][color=dcf3ff] RAS: 6.79, [i]Icevein[/i][/color][/b][/center] [color=dcf3ff][b]Associations:[/b][/color] [color=547cd3][indent]❖ St. Yuri's Academy of Thaumaturgy ❖ Candidate for Ersand'Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy ❖ Vossoriya ❖ Viys’ko[/indent][/color][color=dcf3ff][b]The Gift:[/b][/color] [color=547cd3][indent]❖ [ [color=FF8C00][b]Arcane:[/b][/color] [color=FFFFFF][i]Ice[/i][/color] ] – [ [color=FFFFFF]II. Apprentice[/color] ] - Oksana frequently uses arcane magic to create light from auditory sources to help her ‘hear’. It has the appearance of sparkling which can be distracting. Oksana feels at home within the cold. ❖ [ [color=FF0000][b]Binding:[/b][/color] [color=FFFFFF][i]specialism[/i][/color] ] – [ [color=FFFFFF]I. Novice[/color] ] - Whilst Oksana generally sculpts with ice, she experiments with other materials through binding magic. ❖ [ [color=BA55D3][b]Chemical:[/b][/color] [color=FFFFFF][i]specialism[/i][/color] ] – [ [color=FFFFFF]0. Neophyte[/color] ] - Not trained. ❖ [ [color=0072bc][b]Kinetic:[/b][/color] [color=FFFFFF][i]Vibration[/i][/color] ] – [ [color=FFFFFF]II. Apprentice[/color] ] - Oksana often converts kinetic energy to heat or light, drawing upon the energy in the micro-movements. ❖ [ [color=FFD700][b]Magnetic:[/b][/color] [color=FFFFFF][i]specialism[/i][/color] ] – [ [color=FFFFFF]0. Neophyte[/color] ] - Not trained. [/indent][/color] [color=dcf3ff][b]Description:[/b][/color] [color=547cd3]The Stanytsya was in silence. Oksana watches from the snow. Silence. Flames lick across the thatch and burn. Silence. Raiders attack in the darkness. Silence. Red shadows blaze upon the floor. Silence. The blood splatters upon the ground. Silence. White blanket covers and comforts. Silence. Horsemen ride hard to save the day. Silence. Held within strong arms too tightly. Silence. After the events of that night, Oksana has now entered the world of silence. She is proudly Deaf which means she has an inability to hear speech. After having experience of speech, she is able to speech read and understand phonetic language to a passable degree. This is using contextual cues, and familiarity with buzz words and key phrases. Her understanding is enhanced by her use of the gift. Subtlety and nuance may be lost in translation. Oksana is familiar with the use of signed language, adapted from the silent communication hunters and scouts use for tracking purposes. Oksana due to being quiet can be mistaken for being cold and unsociable, though typically this can be due to the communication barrier or it can be shyness. This can also be a self-defence mechanism as it limits and prevents others from approaching her. She can also emotionally shut down when she is being overwhelmed as she feels her senses become overloaded typically in crowded environments. She responds better in quieter one-to-one situations where she can more easily follow the conversation. She greatly prefers to do activities with her hands and with her proficiency with ice magic, typically ice sculptures, able to create elaborate shapes. She often takes part in physical sports and activities, particularly in endurance activities due to growing up in the tundra where dredging through snow is part of daily life. She has a fondness for tracking and animals, feeling a kinship with these at preference to other humans at times. Oksana judges people a lot by their actions and their body language. She is able to pick up sincerity quite easily as she is often concentrating on their movements and gestures opposed to the words. She can be blunt and plainly spoken to convey her own meaning. She is democratic in her outlook, not being held to titles of nobility, though there is respect for elders due to generally possessing greater knowledge within the Stanytsya. [/color] [/hider]